Urban canvas + Equinox Real Estate
In 2019, Equinox Real Estate had requested the Lane Arts Council project called “Urban Canvas” to commission an artist to paint a 20 foot tall by 60 foot wide mural on the side of their office building in Downtown Eugene Oregon. They liked the idea of something colorful with birds. So I was happy when they contacted me to take on the job. Though I had never painted something that large before.
The thing about this wall, is all its windows and bumps from the 100 year old siding and fireplace. Took me a minute to wrap my brain around it all, but I started with my trusty pencil and paper laid over a picture of the building. This allowed me to layer it in a way that I could use the shapes of the building as a grid.
This next image is of the wall with all of the masking paper I applied to make the process more efficient.
And here I am up on lift in action. You can see I was using hand made stencils of my design so I could get the background up as efficiently as possible.